Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 09 January 2023
Governance Issues and Environmental Impacts of Oil Palm Plantations in Riau (A Green Criminology Overview)
Christian Marito, Arthur Josias Simon, Iqrak Sulhin
Universitas Indonesia

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Pages: 1-10
Keywords: Palm Oil Plantation Governance, Green Criminology, Environmental Harm, Social Harm
Indonesia, as an agrarian country, has a wealth of natural resources that can be used to meet human needs, either directly or indirectly through economic activities. One of the initiatives done is through the growth of oil palm farms, which is increasing in pace with global demand. Riau Province owns the majority of Indonesia's oil palm plantation land. Palm oil is a significant commodity in Riau, and with first-rate production, Riau Province can be considered a national center for oil palm development. This article will discuss two major aspects of oil palm plantations in Riau. First, it is concerned with the multiple detrimental effects of oil palm plantations in Riau, both environmental and socioeconomic. Second, this study will discuss several concerns concerning the governance of oil palm plantations in Riau. This study employs qualitative research methodologies, with a literature review serving as the primary data collection method. In this study, the literature review refers to gathering information from multiple books, journal articles, regulations, and other supporting papers. A literature review is conducted to examine prior studies on environmental criminality, green criminology, oil palm plantations, and oil palm plantation management in Riau. Finally, three conclusions are proposed in this study. The first conclusion is about the conflicting laws and regulations. In Indonesia, laws in the form of exemptions or permits must seek rechtsbeginsel, which must be rational or logical. Based on the nature of the prior first difficulty, the second conclusion speaks to the nature of bureaucracy. Bureaucracy with a criminogenic nature allows for the growth of forms of power abuse and maladministration. Since this deviation can cause harm, it is classified as a crime. In this situation, there is both social and environmental harm. The third conclusion in this discussion is the vulnerability to abuse of power as a result of power distribution. As a result, especially in the context of the oil palm plantation crisis, the end of the fraud committed by private investors that should be rectified by the political elite will not be fixed: it will reoccur as a true result of terrible governance practices carried out compactly.
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