Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 30 June 2019
Elements of the Cultural Space as a Form Identity of Klungkung Urban Area, Bali, Indonesia
I Made Agus Mahendra, Syamsul Alam Paturusi ,Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra, I Dewa Gede Agung Diasana Putra
Udayana University, Indonesia

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Pages: 478-484
Keywords: Balinese Cultural Elements, Space Settings, Urban Identity, Urban Areas
The identity of cities in Indonesia has a different character and spatial structure, especially in the Klungkung urban area, Bali. Identifying urban areas will be able to understand who, what, patterns, and needs that must be met. The identity of urban areas is based on the order and function of urban life that is integrated in the socio-cultural values of the city residents as the soul and identity of the city, as well as the physical elements of the city. In the urban environment there are cultural space elements as indicators and references for the development of the identity of the Klungkung urban area, Bali This research is based on the low level of understanding and form of community implementation, and the government on city identity and lack of public awareness about culture as the holder of an important role as a form of urban identity. Space Culture, as a city identity in the development of urban areas, is increasingly lost and not directed. Identity originating from the Local Elements of Space Elements will affect all aspects of the development of elements forming the character of urban areas. There are several concepts of Balinese Space Elements that can provide a touch of identity for urban areas, namely the history of traditions and beliefs, a system of values, art and cultural space settings which include fixed, semi-fixed and non-fixed elements This research uses qualitative methods by applying descriptive, hermeneutic, and literature studies. This study aims to find out what elements of cultural space become the identity form of Klungkung Urban Area, Bali. From the results of the analysis in the conceptual order, the benefits and results obtained are obtained to provide an overview of the local cultural space elements as the identity of the Klungkung urban area Whereas in the operational order it can formulate policies regarding the identity of urban development. In the future, the results of this study are expected to be input in determining the shape and pattern of the identity of an urban area.
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