Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 22 July 2020
Climate Resources for Tourism: Case of Moc Chau Plateau, Vietnam
Hoa Le Thi Thu, Anh Dieu Thi Van, Nhung Nguyen Thu, Hang Trinh Thi Thu, Thang Pham Viet
Tay Bac University (Vietnam), Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (Vietnam), Vietnam National University (Vietnam)

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Pages: 652-658
Keywords: Climate, Tourism, Moc Chau, Vietnam, TCI
Climate is an important resource of tourism industry; climate indicators can be measured and assessed. The determination of the right time for tourism activities contributes to the orientation of making investment plans for managers and advising vacation time for visitors. To determine the right time, the authors used 7 climate parameters: total precipitation, monthly average temperature, relative humidity, average maximum temperature, average temperature of dark temperature minimum, average of relative humidity, daily average of sunshine hours and wind speed to calculate TCI model in Moc Chau. The TCI calculation results based on 10-year climate data (2008 - 2018) show that this is a place with favorable conditions for year-round tourism, from October to April next year.
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