Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 25 September 2020
Battle on the Ballot: Trends of Electoral Violence and Human Security in Nigeria, 1964-2019
Eziho Promise Ogele
Rivers State University, Nigeria

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Pages: 883-900
Keywords: Candidates, Cultural Violence, Electoral Cycle, Electoral Violence, Human Security, Political Parties, Thugs
Over time, the politics of anxiety has increased the tension of winning elections in Nigeria. This anxiety propels candidates or party members to resort to unethical practices such as violence in a bid to win elections because politics in Nigeria has become a zero-sum game. Candidates and political parties prepare for election with the mindset of winning by all cost, including engaging in pre-electoral, Election Day and post-election violence. Hence, the act of violence has been entrenched in Nigeria’s political space, such that every election cycle both governments, non-governmental organizations and international community engage in progammes that promotes peaceful election. The study is aimed at examining electoral violence from Nigeria’s First Republic to date and its human security implications on democratic advancement in Nigeria. The paper adopted the culture of violence theory as its theoretical construct. The content analysis was used in the interpretation of secondary data. The paper recommends amongst others to strengthen the electoral management board and enforce relevant laws on perpetrators of electoral violence.
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