Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 08 August 2023
Analysis of Transition Odds and Inequalities in the Brazilian Labor Market Before and During Covid-19
Fabiano Roberto Santos de Lima
Estácio de Sá University

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Pages: 87-93
Keywords: Brazilian Labor Market, Labor Market Inequalities, Unemployment
The aim of this work is to identify the chances of individuals moving to the state of unemployment in the Brazilian labor market with the application of a logit model, analyzing two moments: before the Covid-19 pandemic crisis and during the Covid-19 crisis. Evidence indicates that there was an increase in the probabilities of unemployment among pardos in relation to white and black groups. The chances of male groups being unemployed during and, therefore, after the crisis were lower than in previous periods. Black women had a more fragile situation in which they saw the threat of transition to unemployment increase by about 40% compared to the period before the health crisis
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