Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 10 May 2019
Analysis of the Causes of Human Trafficking in East Nusa Tenggara Province
Maria Agustina Kleden, Astri Atti
University of Nusa Cendana, Indonesia

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Pages: 313-319
Keywords: Human Trafficking, Nusa Tenggara Timur
The aims of this study are to determine the main factors causing the occurrence of human trafficking in NTT and to build a model of the causes of human trafficking. This research is a survey research with the population is a victim of human trafficking in the East Nusa Tenggara Province. The sample was 49 victims of human trafficking from Timor Tengah Selatan (TTS) and Belu districts who were selected by purposive sampling. The instrument used was a questionnaire using an ordinal measurement scale (Likert scale) which contained 37 questions as well as research variables (attributes). Data were analyzed using factor analysis. The results of the study showed that of the 37 variables, 7 factors are formed. There are economic and cultural factors, employment and income opportunities, early-age marriage, education, poverty, limited access to information, and quick rich desires. Economic and cultural factors are the main causes of human trafficking in NTT Province. The equation model produced for each factor are F1 = X3 + X4 + X5 + X9 + 0.696X13 + 0.714X14 + 0.505X25; F2 = 0.783X18 + 0.618X19 + 0.555X20 + 0.633X22 + 0.603X23 + 0.625X24 + 0.598X26; F3 = 0.607X12 + 0.700X27 + 0.848X28 + 0.798X29 + 0.595X30 + 0.629X32; F4 = 0.524X11 + 0.743X15 + 0.866X16 + 0.567X17; F5 = 0.658X6 + 0.833X7 + 0.750X10; F6= 0.850X1 + 0.826X 2 + 0.706X21 danF7= 0.793X8.
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