Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 30 September 2019
Work Life Balance of Female Doctors in Bangladesh: An Overview
Fabia Hannan Mone, Dewan Mehrab Ashrafi, Md. Atiqur Rahman Sarker
Anwar Khan Modern Medical College & Hospital (Bangladesh), East Delta University (Bangladesh), Int. Islamic University of Malaysia (Malaysia)

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Pages: 410-421
Keywords: Work Life Balance, Female Doctors, Bangladesh
The role women carry out today is somewhat different compared to earlier times due to the necessity of balancing the work of their home and job simultaneously. Despite achieving immense success in the work field, they cannot underestimate nor minimize the duties and responsibilities that need to be carried out at their home. Since, women also need to fulfill the obligation of their children's upbringing, incremental pressure comes into place due to the purpose of balancing both their career and relationships. The social context of Bangladesh makes it a strenuous task for women to ensure a healthy work-life balance. Although numerous researches have been conducted on the work-life balance, none of them has neither investigated nor did shed light on the work-life balance of female doctors in Bangladesh. Hence, it is essential to study and explore the prevailing situation of the work-life balance of female doctors. Although, numerous researches have been conducted on the work-life balance, none of them has neither investigated nor did shed light on the work-life balance of female doctors in Bangladesh. Hence, it is essential to study and explore the prevailing situation of the work-life balance of female doctors. The prime purpose of the study is to discover the existing condition of the work-life balance of female doctors in Bangladesh. Moreover, the study aims to explore the factors responsible for the work-life imbalance and also proposes the ways to achieve a healthy work-life balance. Female doctors from six different divisions employed at several renowned hospitals in Bangladesh were surveyed after securing ethical approval from the Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC). The study aims to contribute by augmenting the apprehension of the present prevailing condition of the work-life balance of female doctors in Bangladesh.
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