Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 30 October 2019
Ultrasonographic Correlation of Cortical Thickness and Echogenicity Among Patients Suffering From Chronic Renal Failure
Hafiz Sohail Asif, Muhammad Waqas Naeem, Sybil Rose, Mazahir Hussain, Rafia Iqbal, Muhammad Irfan, Mehwish Basheer, Umer Draz, Sajid Shaheen Malik, Rana Muhammad Athar Azeem Shams, Muhammad Yousaf Farooq
The University of Lahore, Pakistan

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Pages: 462-467
Keywords: Renal Echogenicity, Renal Cortical Thickness, Ultrasonography
Background: Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) is a terminology used for heterogeneous disorders affecting the anatomy and physiology of the kidney. The variation in disease expression is related partly to cause and pathology, severity, and rate of progression Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) being recognized as a life-threatening disorder. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the correlation of cortical thickness and echogenicity among patients suffering from chronic renal failure using ultrasound. Methodology: Cross-sectional prospective study 138 patients were included in the study. All the patients had been collected from indoor, outdoor, and emergency department of Mayo Hospital, Lahore. After informed consent, data were collected through ultrasound machine Toshiba Nimo 7. Results: Findings revealed that 138 CRF patients, 82 patients were male and 56 patients were female, and 56 patient belongs to the age group 15-35, 42 patient belongs to age group 36-55 and 40 patient belong to age group 56-75. P value is .131, which is greater than the significance level .05, which shows that there is no significant relation between both variables. Conclusion: It is concluded that there is no ultrasonographic correlation of cortical thickness and echogenicity among patient suffering from chronic renal failure
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