Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 11 April 2022
The Effect of Tooth Carving Technique on Dental Technician Student Perception and Performance in Tooth Morphology and Manipulation Course
Recep Kara, Mehmet Baki Velibeyoğlu
Istanbul Aydın University, Turkey

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Pages: 19-25
Keywords: Prosthodontics, Dental Technician, Dental Education, Dental Models, Psychomotor Performance, Dental Laboratories
Tooth carving is done to develop the psychomotor skills necessary for dental technician practice and teach tooth morphology. This study aimed to determine the effect of tooth carving as a teaching method for tooth morphology and assessment. 116 students trained in teeth carving at Istanbul Aydın University Dental Technician Department were subjected to 2 different teeth carving exams with soap and wax. Instructors evaluated tooth carvings according to a standard checklist. At the end of this study, a student satisfaction survey was carried out to get feedback on tooth carving as a teaching methodology. The scores given by the instructors did not differ by material and gender (p >0.05). Overall, student feedback on teeth carving was equally positive. The vast majority found the tooth they carved to be confirmed (75.86%). They believed that carving exercises would help develop laboratory skills (76.03%). They found the training method and materials applied sufficient. Dental carving applications develop dexterity and psychomotor skills for dental prosthesis technician applications. Before laboratory applications, it should be an integral component of the dental prosthesis technician curriculum to develop cognitive and psychomotor skills related to clinical applications. Based on this study, live representation of teeth carving skills and different educational materials (plaster models, videos, slides, etc.) should be the preferred teaching method.
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