Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 23 October 2024
The Association Between Documents and Activities of Hospital Management with Patient Safety Incident Reporting: The 2019 Indonesia Health Facilities Research
Putri Citra Cinta Asyura Nasution, Dumilah Ayuningtyas
Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Sumatera Utara

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Pages: 12-22
Keywords: Patient Safety, Near-Miss, Adverse Events, Reporting, Indonesia, Health Facility Research
Patient safety incident (PSI) reporting is essential to identify underlying problems and improve safety, but PSI reporting in Indonesian hospitals is still low. This study examines factors that contribute to PSI reports. It employed a cross-sectional design and analyzed data from Indonesia's 2019 Health Facilities Research. Methods: According to the criteria, the sample consisted of 462 hospitals. We evaluate the data using the chi-square test. The independent variables were documents, including strategic plans and hospital bylaws; activities included implementing a quality control system, monitoring and evaluation, internal audits, service evaluation and quality control, and periodic meetings. Results: Even though most hospitals already have documents and carry out activities, reports regarding PSI are still lacking in the surveyed hospitals, with half not having any. In Indonesian hospitals, all variables were significantly associated with PSI reports. Hospitals with these documents and management activities, like strategic plans, internal audits, or evaluations, have more PSI reports. Conclusion: The number of PSI reports has increased due to changes in reporting culture, which may indicate a safer culture rather than necessarily an increasing risk. Adopt a comprehensive, data-driven strategy, concentrating on incident reporting and detection. Hospital management must sustainably monitor, assess, and evaluate to encourage PSI reporting.
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