Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 09 November 2019
Sonographic Assessment of Bladder Outlet Obstruction in Adult Males
Attaullah, Ihrar Ahmad, Maaz Khan, Natasha Jamil, Mahnoor Amna, Sundas Fatima, Raham Bacha, Muhammad Yousaf
The University of Lahore, Pakistan

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Pages: 468-472
Keywords: Bladder outlet obstruction (BOO), lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), Ultrasonography
Background: Bladder outlet obstruction in males may be a complex syndrome of either dynamic functional or fixed anatomic forces resulting in resistance to the flow of urine. Particularly in males, bladder outlet obstruction is a frequently encountered finding. From a diagnostic standpoint, the evaluation of bladder outlet obstruction relies heavily upon traditional methods. BOO may be induced by specific functional and anatomic causes. The resulting obstruction frequently produces lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Categorizing and understanding these entities is crucial when proceeding with a LUTS evaluation as specific diagnostic modalities may then be used to delineate the degree of BOO and any secondary issues fully. Objective(s): The objective was to determine the sonographic assessment of bladder outlet obstruction in adult males Methodology: Ultrasonography for the diagnosis of BOO was done by a single operator using the Mindray Z5 and Toshiba xario 100 with convex transducer probe of 3- 6MHz machine in Mayo hospital Lahore, Allied hospital Faisalabad and Gillani ultrasound clinic, Lahore Pakistan. The duration of the study was from July to October. A total of 159 patients were examined through a convenient sampling technique. Statistical software for social sciences (SPSS version 22.0) is used for the analysis of data. Results: The study included 160 patients in total. Table 1 represents the age of the patients. The minimum age of the patients was 24, and the maximum age of the patients was 90. The mean age of the patients was 52. Table 2 represents the sonographic assessment of the patients. Out of 160 patients, 80(50%) had benign prostate hyperplasia, 30(18.8%) had bladder calculus, 22(13.8%) had bladder mass, 28(17.5%) had bladder wall growth. In table 3, 160 patients had a pre-void test. The minimum was 100, and the maximum was 400. The mean was 2.82. According to table 4, 160 patients had post void test. The minimum was 55, and the maximum was 170. The mean of the post-void test was 1.08. Conclusion(s): Ultrasound measurement of bladder wall thickness has been proposed as a useful diagnostic parameter in patients with bladder outlet obstruction and other voiding dysfunctions. The complete assessment of LUTS arising from BOO includes Ultrasonography to fully define the obstructive impact on the individual's urinary function and quality of life.
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