Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 26 January 2019
SNR Value Evaluation of Knee MRI 1.5 T Using Volume and Surface Coil in Fatmawati General Hospital Jakarta
Nursama Heru Apriantoro, Sriyatun, Samsun, Guntur Winarno, Fitri Aryani, Pramono, Dimas Muhammad Avicenna, Nadya Octafiani Poernama
Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan, Fatmawati General Hospital Jakarta, Indonesia

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Introduction: Signal to noise ratio (SNR) is one of the determining factors of MRI images quality. SNR is defined as the ratio of the intensity of an object signal seen with noise. There are several factors that can affect SNR, one of them is the radiofrequency coil. Knee MRI examination based on the literature using a Knee coil with the shape of the volume. While in some hospitals the use of coil when the MRI knee examination can also use the surface coil. This is because the hospital does not have the coil volume or the condition of the patient's knee that it is not possible to use volume coil. Objective : To evaluate SNR on MRI Knee examination using volume coil and surface coil with 1.5T Magnetom Esenzza MRI Scanners at Fatmawati Hospital. Method: The type of this research is quantitative analytics with experimental method, which was conducted in Radiology installation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) atFatmawati General Hospital Jakarta starting from March to April 2018, with 16 samples. The technique of data collecting is done by observation and experiment. Research instrument consists of the worksheet, operator console, and counting sheet. Processing and data analysis is done by using paired sample T-test statistic. Results: The result of this study indicates that there is a difference of image quality in SNR aspect on the image of MRI knee inspection using volume coil and surface coil marked with p-value <0.05. Conclusion: MRI Knee examination using volume coilpossess higher SNR than using the surface coil. But, the surface coil can be the second choice for MRI Knee examination if the hospital doesn't have volume coil or surface coil, it can't be used for the patient.
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