Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 09 December 2023
Relationship Between Children's Cognitive Function and Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM): A Systematic Review
Arohid Allatib, Dian Andriani Ratna Dewi, Shabrina Lathifatunnissa Rais, Muhammad Rakan Kabbani,
Chiquita Jasmine, Kharissa Rahma Rindani, Taufik Hidayat, Andi Nadila Faatin, Farrasila Nadhira, Ni Made Wiliantari
The Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia Army Central Hospital Gatot Soebroto, Ratna Dewi Principal Clinic

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Pages: 166-176
Keywords: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM), Cognitive Function, Children
Background: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is the most common type of diabetes in children and is caused by various factors, including immune system abnormalities, genetic factors, and environmental influences. T1DM usually occurs in early to mid-childhood when an autoimmune process damages the pancreas's beta cells, producing insufficient insulin. Purpose: Review several studies on T1DM associated with cognitive decline in children. Methods: The study systematically reviews five articles from randomized controlled trials, focusing on the cognitive function of children with T1DM. It specifically explored the relationship between T1DM, cognitive deficits, and the impact of diabetic ketoacidosis on cognitive function in children. Results: This review included five articles from randomized controlled trials between 1999 and 2023, distributed across two nations. The studies included 1.579 children with T1DM or with Ketoacidosis diabetic. Sample testing with cognitive function measurements in each article. Discussion: Type 1 diabetes patients had milder to moderate cognitive deficits on a variety of neuropsychological tests compared with nondiabetic control subjects. These cognitive deficits are primarily related to mental processing speed, executive function, and memory. Summary: Children with T1DM, especially those with a history of diabetic ketoacidosis, exhibited mild to moderate cognitive deficits, particularly in mental processing speed, executive function, and memory. The review emphasized the potential impact of T1DM on children's cognitive development and academic performance, underscoring the need for early diagnosis and appropriate management to mitigate cognitive decline.
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