Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 24 June 2022
Mobile Phones as a Source of Nosocomial Infection in the Radiology Department of a Teaching Hospital
Joseph C. Eze, Julius A. Agbo, Daniel C. Ugwuanyi, Hyacienth U. Chiegwu, Dorathy Ezeagwuna, Chidera S. Nchey-Achukwu
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, University of Nigeria

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Pages: 118-123
Keywords: Mobile, Phone, Nosocomial, Infection, Radiographers, Radiology
Background: Mobile phones were first introduced in the United Kingdom and have become an important means of communication among doctors, other healthcare workers, patients and the general public. Objectives: This study was aimed at establishing that mobile phones are sources of nosocomial infections in the radiology department of our teaching hospital and also to determine the pathogens that are responsible for these infections. Methods: This was a prospective study that involved collection of swab samples from radiographers’ mobile phones. Three different samples were collected from each mobile phone. Thirty (30) mobile phones were used for this investigation and ninety (90) samples were totally collected. Samples were collected on arrival of the radiographer to the department, after handling patients and after washing hands. Samples collected were sent to the microbiology department for culture analysis. Descriptive data analysis was performed and results presented in frequency tables. Results: On arrival at the department, samples collected revealed that 22 (73.3%) of the phones were contaminated before commencing work for the day while 8 (26.7%) were not contaminated. With direct patient contact, 27 (93.3%) were contaminated and after washing hands it was observed that 16 (53.3%) of the mobile phones were contaminated. The major cause of contamination was staphylococcus aureus especially noted in swabs obtained after direct patient contact. Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli were also identified as contaminants of the phones. Conclusion: Radiographers’ mobile phones harbour bacteria and could act as a source of nosocomial infection in the radiology department.
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