Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 19 December 2019
Knowledge of Road Signs and Attitude to Safety Measures Among Public Secondary School Students in Jos Nigeria
Wasiu O. Adebimpe, Daniel Dabo, Joy A. Osifo, Demilade Ibirongbe, Dooshima Gbahabo, Afusat Adesina
University of Medical Sciences, Lautech Ogbomosho, University of Lagos, Family Health International, Nigeria

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Pages: 524-531
Keywords: Road Signs, Safety Measures, Road Traffic Accident, Secondary School Students/Adolescents
Introduction: Road traffic crashes are common worldwide. However, most attention on RTA prevention has been focused on secondary and tertiary prevention. This study was undertaken to assess knowledge of road signs and attitudes to safety measures among secondary school students in Jos, Nigeria. Methodology: Descriptive cross-sectional study among 800 secondary school students selected using a multistage sampling method. Research instruments used were semi-structured interviewer-administered pre-tested questionnaires. Data were analyzed using the SPSS software version 23.0. Mean scores were generated for the major outcome variables of knowledge of road signs and knowledge and attitude to safety measures. Results: Mean age of respondents was 13.0+ 8.4 years, while the parents of 500(62.5%) of them had a vehicle. Correct knowledge of signs of corner bends was 417(52.1%), and traffic lights 579 (72.4%). Good mean knowledge of road signs and safety measures was 55% and 78%, respectively. Predictors of good knowledge of road signs include being a female, older age, and parents having a vehicle. Conclusion: Knowledge and attitude gaps still exist, and stakeholders in RTA prevention should prioritize the sensitization of the students amidst other primordial prevention strategies.
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