Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 24 October 2022
Islamic Perspective on Organ Donation and Brain Death
Ahmad Khan, Melanie M. Tidman
A T Still Health Sciences University

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Pages: 38-44
Keywords: Brain Death, Islamic Countries, Organ Donation
Worldwide and in the countries, Islamic scholars do not have a consensus on the criteria and definition of brain death. This lack of consensus on the definition of brain death and its legal status has resulted in delays in withdrawal of care and futile care to the brain-dead patient population that negatively strains the limited resources for human organs in the Islamic community. Also, Islamic countries with organ transplantation resources lack legislation on endorsing brain death and its legal status as death which creates delays in harvesting viable organs from eligible donors. These delays can negatively impact the life quality of patients with end-organ failure waiting for an organ and make organs non-viable for transplantation, adding to the already existing shortages in Islamic countries. This brief review aims to clarify some of the barriers in the determination of brain death and organ donation in Islamic countries and address religious and ethical issues that exist that affect issues of access.
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