Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 17 March 2022
Implementation of Universal Precautions for Health Workers in the City Health Services in Indonesia
Devi Angeliana Kusumaningtiar, Gisely Vionalita, Taufik Rendi Anggara
Universitas Esa unggul, Indonesia

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Pages: 24-32
Keywords: Universal Precautions, Knowledge, Attitude, Leadership Support, Hand Washing
Background: The most health problem in Indonesia for health services is infectious diseases. So the need to implement Universal Precautions is one of the efforts to prevent infection in health facilities. Aim : This study aims to implementation of universal precautions for health workers in the city health services. This study uses a quantitative design that is observational, with a cross-sectional study design. Methods: The sample in this study was the total number of health personnel in health services as many as 108 people consisting of a hospital as many as 89 nurses, a public health center with 9 nurses, and a clinic as many as 10 nurses. The instrument used in the application of universal precautions is through observation, using a monitoring sheet. Results: The result proportion of the not application of universal precautions at the level of hospital health services is 83.3%. The results showed that the higher the level of health care, the higher the average application of universal precautions. The application of universal precautions at the health service level has the same level of service in handling patients, and there are still nurses who do not use APD aprons. Conclusion: The health service conducts training and the head of the room directs the nurse about universal vigilance when the shift changes, so that the nurse can apply universal precautions according to the standard operating procedures (SOP).
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