Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 19 July 2019
Frequency of Correct Findings of Abdominal Ultrasonography Compared with CT Scan in Detection of Solid Intra-Abdominal Visceral Injuries
Muhammad Khan, Muhammad Uzair, Junaid Yousaf, Abdul Waqas, Shaheer Khalid, Syed Ijlal Haider, Zainab Ijaz, Hafiaza Tasmia Arshad, Javeria Gulzar, Shumaila Zafar, Adina Aslam, Syed Yousaf Farooq, Hafiz Ehtisham-Ul-Haq, Muhammad Ahmad Tahir
The University of Lahore, Pakistan

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Pages: 256-263
Keywords: Intra-Abdominal Visceral Injuries, Ultrasonography, Computed Tomography Scan
Background: Blunt abdominal trauma (BAT) is very common, the prevalence being 12–15%. Evaluation of patients with BAT is a challenge. This study aimed to compare the USG & CT with regards the frequency of correct findings in the detection of solid intra-abdominal injuries. Objectives: To determine the frequency of correct findings of abdominal ultrasonography compared with CT scan in the detection of solid intra-abdominal visceral injuries. Methods: The study was carried out at Radiology Department Nishtar Hospital, Multan & Children Hospital Multan, Pakistan, for a duration of six months with Eighty-eight patients selected using non-probability purposive sampling technique. Results: Mean age of the patients was 35.83±14.02 years. There were 75(85.2%) male and 13(14.8%) female in the present study, respectively. Ultrasonography detected abdominal injury in 49(55.7%) patients while it was detected in 59(67%) patients by computed tomography scan. Abdominal injury detected by both ultrasonography and computed tomography was 48 patients (true positive). Ultrasound sensitivity was revealed 81.36%, specificity 96.55%, diagnostic accuracy 86.36%, Positive predictive value 97.95%, and Negative predictive value 71.79%. Conclusion: CT scan is the gold standard modality for blunt abdominal trauma, whereas ultrasound can be used as the first-line modality in the patients of blunt abdominal trauma.
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