Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 08 August 2023
Evaluating the Strength of Evidence on the Effectiveness of Accommodative Support Lens on Computer Vision Syndrome
Henry Omoregie Egharevba
National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development

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Pages: 26-31
Keywords: Computer Vision Syndrome, Accommodative Lenses, Occular, Extraoccular, Digital Screen, Ergonomics
Computer vision syndrome is a disease that has emerged with the advent of the computer and digital age. It is most associated with long-hour users of digital screen devices. Its symptoms are ocular and extraocular and may include blur or double vision, and other visual discomforts such as redness, irritation, dry eye, watery eye, headache, neck and shoulder pains, back aches and tendonitis. Several studies have reported a prevalence rate of between 10-90%. Depending on a number of factors, different treatment approaches have been adopted by physicians for primary and secondary care. These approaches include optimization of ergonomics, progressive addition of lenses, use of nutritional supplements, and artificial tears. The validity of the efficacy of these approaches has continued to generate debates among public health stakeholders due to limited evidence. This article discusses the strength of evidence of the use of accommodative support lenses in alleviating the symptoms of computer vision syndrome, with a special focus on the work of Seguí-Crespo et al., 2022.
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