Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 11 October 2019
Correlation Between Cataract Surgery and Anxiety Levels in Senile Cataract Patients
Bayurini Dian Hapsari, Rodiah Rahmawaty Lubis, Yan Pieter Sihombing
Universitas Methodist Indonesia, Universitas Sumatera Utara

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Pages: 429-433
Keywords: Senile Cataract, Cataract Surgery, Anxiety Level, Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale
Background: Cataract may cause decrease of vision due to clouding of the lens. Poor vision and surgery caused by cataract may also result in an increased risk of anxiety and depression. Purposes: to determine the correlation between cataract surgery and anxiety levels in patients who will undergo cataract surgery. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study design and conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the local ethical committee amongst the senile cataract patients. The data were analyzed by using spearman's rank correlation test to find the correlation between cataract surgery and anxiety level. The sampling method was purposive sampling. The Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) or HRS-A (Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety) was used to rate the severity of patient's anxiety. Results: A number of 63 cataract patients who will undergo cataract surgery were included for analysis and have been interviewed to get the anxiety level by using HAM-A. The most age of patient was 50-59 years old (29;46%). The stage of the senile cataract was mostly the mature stage of about 36 patients (57.1%). From HAM-A questionnaire the most anxiety level of senile cataract patients who will be operated was moderate level (49;77,8%). Spearman's rank correlation test with SPSS 17 obtained p = 0.002 with sig (2-tailed) value < 0.05 and correlation coefficient r = 0, 383. Conclusion: There is a correlation between cataract surgery and anxiety levels in senile cataract patients who will undergo cataract surgery.
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