Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 27 March 2020
Combination Therapy with TACE and Microwave Ablation to Increase Efficacy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treatment
Muhammad Fiaz, Ammara Saeed Malik, Muhammad Ramazan
Superior University Azra Naheed Medical College and Alrazi Hospital, Pakistan

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Pages: 98-103
Keywords: Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Microwave Ablation, Transarterial Chemoembolization
To evaluate efficacy of microwave ablation (MWA) combined with conventional transarterial chemoembolization (cTACE) simultaneously or vice versa for the treatment of large hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Study was done from March 2017 and February 2019 and a total number of 66 patients with large hepatocellular carcinoma received TACE and ultrasound-guided percutaneous MWA combined with simultaneous TACE. Patients with primary liver cancer aged from 18-80 years, and life expectancy longer than three months were included. Ablation with different techniques were used along with standard doxorubicin TACE. As result, it was concluded that the combined treatment model is superior to single TACE.
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