Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 11 October 2021
Chemical Compound of Terminalia Catappa L. as Hemostatic Agents in Post Tooth Extraction
Ni Made Sirat, Asep Arifin Senjaya
Poltekkes Kemenkes Bali, Indonesia

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Pages: 16-26
Keywords: Terminalia Catappa L., Hemostatic, Tooth Extraction
Terminalia catappa L. is one of the herbal plants that contain flavonoids that play a role in wound healing including to bleeding after tooth extraction. The aim of our study was to identify the chemical compounds contained in Terminalia catappa L. leaves. This type of research was experimental. The sample in this study was the leaves of Terminalia catappa number 3-6 from the base, at a tree height of 6 meters picked as much as 6 kilograms. Data analysis qualitatively and quantitatively. The highest content in ethanol extract of Terminalia catappa L of saponins and alkaloids were fractioned with distilled water and the lowest content were fractioned with hexane. Meanwhile distilled water is also used to fractioned the highest content of tannins and phenol. While ethyl acetate was used to fractioned the lowest content of tannins and the highest content of flavonoid. The lowest flavonoid in distilled water extract was fractioned using hexane. For the lowest content of phenol was fractioned using hexane. The results show the highest content of saponins is 3,787.80 mg/100g, the lowest is 166.67 mg/100g. The highest content of Alkaloids is 1,798.57 mg/100g, and the lowest is 576.80 mg/100g. The highest content of tannins is 53,140.72 mg/100g, the lowest is 8,391,803 mg/100g. The highest content of flavonoids is 2,5964.14 mg/100g, the lowest flavonoid is 462.84 mg/100g. The highest content of phenol 29,968.05 mg/100g, the lowest is 225.46 mg/100g. The highest antioxidant activity with AAI (Antioxidant Activity Index) obtains value of 0.36. This shows the moderate antioxidant ability. Terminalia catappa L. contain saponins, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, and triterpenoids. The active compound of Terminalia catappa L will generally be produced optimally if a polar solvent is used.
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