Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 31 October 2023
Assessment of Three Multimedia Tools for Improving Patients’ Understanding and Adherence to Orthodontic Treatments
El Mabrak Asmaa, Chafi Imane, Serhier Zineb, Bourzgui Farid
University Hassan II, Morocco

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Pages: 128-138
Keywords: Orthodontics, Consumer Health Information, Audiovisual Aids, Multimedia, Dental School of Casablanca, Morocco
Aim: To assess the understanding and the recall of information using three communication tools: a video, a PowerPoint presentation and a flyer. Methods: We conducted a randomized clinical trial on a sample of 135 patients, divided into three groups (a) (b) and (c). Each group received a different form of information: a written pamphlet, a PowerPoint presentation and a video. The evaluation was conducted using a survey administered in two phases, in the short term (T1) and in the medium term (T2). Results: This study showed that all three tools were equally effective and valid in informing the patient. The results also showed that for some risks the audiovisual tools were better in terms of information including the risk of root resorption, and articular pain with a statistically significant difference. The effectiveness of these tools was different during the two stages T1 and T2 after one month of the first phase of information T1, the results showed no statistically significant difference between the information in the short and medium term. Conclusion: This study allowed us to verify the most effective information tool among the three tools used, which allows to establish a validated and reliable communication system within the care unit of Casablanca’s department of orthopedics.
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