Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 19 September 2022
Antibacterial Effects of Various Concentrations of Natural Ingredients Snail Mucus (Achatina fulica) Against Inhibition Zones of Fusobacterium nucleatum Causes Periodontitis In Vitro
Swastini IGAAP, Ni Nengah Sumerti
Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Denpasar, Indonesia

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Pages: 262-267
Keywords: Antibacterial, Snail Slime, Fusobacterium Nucleatum
Periodontitis is a microorganism that invades the subgingival area, thereby triggering an inflammatory response of the periodontal tissue. Fusobacterium nucleatum is one of the most abundant gram-negative bacilli colonizing the subgingival plaque and closely associated with periodontal disease. The aim of study was to calculate the inhibition of snail mucus against Fusobacterium nucleatum bacteria with concentrations of 12.5%, 25%, 50%, and 100%. This study used a laboratory experimental test method and was conducted at the Oral Biology Laboratory, Faculty of Dentistry, Airlangga University. The steps were performed are: plant germ stock with sterile osse on BHI broth media then incubate for 48 hours, observe the turbidity of the germs then standardize with mc farland standard 0.5, plant germs on Hilton Muller agar media with the spreading technique, treat the test sample on sterile paper disk as much as 0, 01 ml with a sterile micropipette, then paste it on the surface of the media so that it is then incubated for 48 hours. Then, observe and measure the diameter of the clear zone. The results show that the average inhibition in the control group is 25.65 mm, and the snail mucus group is 12.5%, 0 mm, 25%, 12.40 mm, 50%, 16.70 mm and 100% 19.60 mm. There is a significant difference in the diameter of the inhibitory power between the treatment groups. The conclusion of the antibacterial effect of natural ingredients of snail mucus from the 25% treatment showed strong criteria, and the greatest inhibitory power was the concentration of 100%.
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