Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 06 January 2019
A Situational Analysis of Home Delivery among Maasai Communities of Orkesumet, Northern Tanzania: The Qualitative Evidences
Bernard Mbwele, Uswege K. Mwaitebele, Alem Kahsay, Othniel P. Kihako, Samuel J. Luhunga, Mohamed A. Zuberi, Juhudi R. Athumani, Pauline L. Sylvester, Elinda G. Kuhoga, Zebadia M. Ramadhani, George R. Jonas, Lillian Kavishe
University of Dar es Salaam-Mbeya College of Health Sciences

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Background: Maternal mortality rates and Neonatal Mortality rates have remained to be unexpectedly high in sub-Saharan Africa. High magnitude of pregnancy and childbirth complications mainly due to home delivery. Identifying and solving barriers to facility delivery has remained to be a challenge. Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study to assess the cultural barriers impeding facility based delivery in the Maasai communities of Orkesumet ward of Simanjiro district, Northern Tanzania was conducted. Expert opinions from Maasai leaders, in-depth interviews, focused group discussion and observations were applied. Results: Expert opinions presented historical and current traditional practice in herbal medicine commonly used during child-birth in the remote Maasai Orkesumet ward. In-depth interview reported five main themes of “home delivery is safe”, “Traditional medicine is better”, “Giving birth is a blessing from God”, “Bleeding can be controlled by traditional medicine” and “There is no hope from hospitals”. FGD reported four main themes that “Female attendants are better”, “Migration, transport cost and quality of care at health facility disturbs the continuum of care”, “It is risky to be treated at the hospitals” and “Husbands are the key and mislead the communities”. Observations provided evidences for herbal products that are commonly used. Conclusion: The Maasai present a strong trust and beliefs on their cultural, customs and traditional for home delivery while using innovative herbal medicine. They have negative attitudes towards a facility based delivery due to facility reported maternal deaths, quality of care for supplies and hygiene, distance and health care workers gender and attitudes.
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