Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 14 December 2020
A Qualitative Study of Patients’ Perceptions of Dental Care in Primary Health Care
Heriberto F. Sanchez, Andrea Maria D. Vargas, Marcos Azeredo F. Werneck, Efigênia F. Ferreira
Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil

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Pages: 535-543
Keywords: Primary Health Care, Health Evaluation, Qualitative Research, Patient Participation
Knowledge of patients' views can contribute to the strengthening of health services. The aim of this study is to describe the patients' perception of a public oral health service, contributing to evaluations in health services. This is a qualitative study in which a focus group was conducted, with the participation of six patients of the oral health system in the city of Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, all with a minimum experience of three years of using the service. A theoretical model with dimensions aimed at assessing integrality and primary care services was used. In conducting the research, a semi-structured script was used. The data were analyzed by content analysis. The most representative categories for evaluating oral health actions in primary care are the health unit; the welcoming and its relation with the creation of the bond; service with a strong emphasis on the humanized relationship between professional and patient and on teamwork and; as a highlight, citizen participation, based on the recognition of a “system” that prevents the proper functioning of services and that must be fought with citizenship. Patients’ perceptions can be used to assess oral health in primary care from the perspective of those who actually use health services, seeking ultimately to constantly improve them. Knowledge of patients' perceptions may enable organizations to know their performance, through assessment methodologies based on the established perceptions.
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