Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 22 December 2020
What Drives Teaching Performance at School? The Determinants of School Teacher Performance
Nelly Yulianti Butar Butar, Noverdi Bross, Dwi Sunu Kanto
Trilogi University, Indonesia

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Pages: 1624-1630
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Professional Commitment, Teacher Performance
This study aims to analyze the factors that affect teacher performance with organizational commitment as a mediation between professional commitment and job satisfaction to teacher performance. In the realization of the achievement of target student scores based on the results of the National Examination for the 2016/2017 academic year to 2018/2019 academic year for the Djakarta Christian Schools Association in South Jakarta. The problem has been identified that the lack of attention from the school is an impact on teacher performance. The unilateral policies given to the teacher have become tiring pressure on the teacher and have an impact on the lack of desire for creativity in improving student learning outcomes as seen in the results of students' final exam scores. This study uses Professional Commitment and Job Satisfaction as independent variables, Teacher Performance as the dependent variable, and Organizational Commitment as a moderating variable. This study used 29 teachers as respondents and used SPSS software in processing and analyzing data. This research results that Job Satisfaction affects Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction affects Teacher Performance, Organizational Commitment affects Teacher Performance, Professional Commitment affects Organizational Commitment and Professional Commitment affects Teacher Performance. Job Satisfaction indirectly affects Teacher Performance through Organizational Commitment, and Professional Commitment indirectly affects Teacher Performance through Organizational Commitment.
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