Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 09 October 2020
To Examine the Factors Influencing Tourist Intention to Revisit to the Maldives with the Use of Social Media Marketing as the Moderating Influence
Rana Ahmed Hameed
Mantissa College, Malaysia

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Pages: 1259-1279
Keywords: Business, Impacts, Influence, Revisit, Social Media, Tourism
This paper presents a study on “to examine the factors influencing tourist intention to revisit to the Maldives with the use of social media marketing as the moderating influence.” This research will be examining tourist’s intention to revisit towards Maldives and what is the moderating influence by social media marketing. There are four main research objectives set out to achieve they are to determine the influence of social media as a marketing factor on the tourism industry, to examine the factors influencing tourist revisit intention, to examine the influence of social media on marketing and to determine the influence of novelty, adventure, social contact, relax and escape on tourist’s intention to revisit. The aim of the study is to improve and give a better recommendation to the main industry in Maldives, which is tourism. As it is the main reason for tourist visit can be put under the five individual variables as novelty, adventure, social contact, escape and then relax. The methodology used in this paper is quantitative and hence a survey approach was acquired.
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