Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 08 September 2022
The Positive Role of Attitude Toward of Vendor in Mediating the Relationship Between Vendor Cognition and Advertise Cognition on Vendor Usage Intention
Nanda Farhanah, Budhi Haryanto
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

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Pages: 178-187
Keywords: Vendor Perception, Advertise Cognition, Vendor Usage Intention
This article aims to explain the influence of vendor cognition and advertise cognition on vendor usage intention mediated by positive attitude towards of vendor. The literature review was conducted to identify the variables that build the conceptual model. The expected findings are that there is a positive relationship between vendor perception and positive attitude towards vendor usage intentions and a positive relationship between advertise cognitive and positive attitude towards vendor usage intentions. This study also explains the dimensions of familiarity, credibility, and trust that produce vendor cognition. Furthermore, this study also explains the dimensions of entertain, creativity, and informative that produces advertise cognition. This study provides an alternative conceptual model in the field of consumer behavioral. Researchers hope this research can provide an understanding to wedding marketers to design effective marketing strategies to influence potential consumers. This paper is also expected to contribute theoretically, practically and possibly can be used for future studies.
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