Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 05 July 2022
The Popularity of Milk Tea Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic: Perspectives of Selected Entrepreneurs in Minglanilla, Cebu Philippines
Kriszia Dimpsy S. Bastasa, Vicente S. Maravilla Jr, Simplicio R. Espellita Jr, Ritchell Dela Calzada, Jessalyn M. Alqueza
University of San Carlos (Philippines), St. Cecilia's College Cebu Inc. (Philippines), University of the Visayas (Philippines)

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Pages: 8-15
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Perspectives, COVID-19 Pandemic, Economics, and Business
Milk tea became so popular that numerous entrepreneurs tried to venture into this business. The Philippines is dubbed the second-most populous country in Southeast Asia regarding bubble tea users. Though the Philippines was dubbed as such, it was not until late 2019 that Pearl Milk Tea exploded its popularity in the country. It paved the way for the tea-enthusiast to venture into the business by experimenting with various creamers, flavors, and sweeteners. In Minglanilla, Cebu, Philippines, there is also a growing Milk tea shop on every corner of the street; however, before the boom reached a year, a pandemic halted every operation on every establishment. Through a phenomenological approach, the researchers of this study interviewed the owners and management of milk tea businesses in this new level of difficulty. The study's significant findings merged the theme scope, including Covid-19 Business Impact, Digital Marketing, Adapt Delivery Services, Safety and Security Protocols, and Menu Engineering. Furthermore, findings suggest that Covid-19 negatively impacted business establishments. Nevertheless, the management and entrepreneurs still push through and invest more in their business, with a clear perspective of success and execute modern alternatives that keep the business operating.
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