Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 30 January 2023
The Impact of Spiritual Marketing on Consumer Loyalty
Aurelia Suhan, Ariesya Aprillia
Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Indonesia

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Pages: 59-64
Keywords: Consumer Loyalty, Spiritual Marketing, Wardah Products
Wardah is a pioneer of a cosmetic brand receiving a halal certificate from the Indonesian Ulema Council. Therefore, these products are compliant with Islamic principles. Indeed, Indonesian consumers, mainly Muslim, are expected to be loyal. Related to this situation, the company manufacturing Wardah products needs to choose the type of suitable marketing. For this reason, this research aims to examine and analyze the impact of spiritual marketing on consumer loyalty. To achieve this intention, the consumers of Wardah products in Jakarta perform as the population and samples. Because the population size is unidentified, the consumers are taken by purposive sampling. Also, the variance-based structural equation model and probability of t-statistic are utilized to analyze the data and test the hypothesis. Based on the response testing, this study concludes that spiritual marketing is needed to create loyal consumers.
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