Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 10 May 2021
The Effect of Share Transaction Determinants and its Impact on JCI on IDX 2010-2020
M. Noor Salim, Yohanes Gabriel Obie P
Mercubuana University, Indonesia

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Pages: 108-119
Keywords: Inflation, Dollar Exchange Rate, Yuan Exchange Rate, Chinese Index, JCI and Transaction Volume
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of inflation, the dollar exchange rate, the yuan exchange rate and the Chinese index partially and simultaneously on the JCI. To determine the effect of inflation, the dollar exchange rate, the yuan exchange rate and the Chinese index partially and simultaneously on the volume of transactions. To determine the effect of inflation, the dollar exchange rate, the yuan exchange rate and the Chinese index on the JCI with transaction volume as an intervening variable. The results of the JCI data analysis show that the dollar exchange rate, inflation and the Chinese index have an effect on the JCI and the yuan exchange rate does not affect the JCI, but simultaneously inflation, dollar exchange rate, yuan exchange rate and the Chinese index have an effect on the JCI. The results of the transaction volume data analysis show that the dollar exchange rate, the yuan exchange rate and the Chinese index have an effect on the volume of transactions, while inflation has no effect on the volume of transactions. Simultaneously, inflation, dollar exchange rate, yuan exchange rate and Chinese index have an effect on transaction volume. The results of the transaction volume data analysis as an intervening variable indicate an influence.
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