Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 17 February 2020
The Effect of Audit Quality on Financial Performance of Deposit Money Banks (Evidence from Nigeria)
Chukwuma C. Ugwu, Lilian N. Aikpitanyi, Sonia Idemudia
Federal University, Nigeria

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Pages: 270-281
Keywords: Audit quality, Financial performance, Deposit Money Banks
This study examines the impact of audit quality on the financial performance of all the 15 listed DMBs in Nigeria from 2011-2017. Independent variables used are audit firm size, joint audit and audit fee, while ROA, proxy for financial performance, is the dependent variable. Secondary data were used, which were extracted from the financial statements of the listed DMBs. The study employed correlation and ex-post facto research designs and multiple regressions were used for data analysis. The study revealed significant and positive relationship between audit firm size and ROA, negative and significant relationship between joint audit and ROA and negative and insignificant relationship between audit fee and ROA. The study, therefore, recommends that since joint audit showed significant relationship with firm performance in this regard regulatory bodies should try to make joint audit compulsory and any firms that fail to comply should be sanction. The study also recommends that since audit firm size positively and significantly affects firm performance. Smaller audit firm should be encouraged as they are likely to carry out a more thorough audit assignment, because most of the DMBs engaged the service of the bigger audit firm.
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