Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 22 December 2020
The Contribution of Crafts in Improving the Touristique Image of Essaouira: The Case of Marquetry
Mustapha Bouragba, Fatima Elkandoussi
Ibn Zohr University, Morocco

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Pages: 1590-1597
Keywords: Branding, Crafts, Destination’s Image, Essaouira, Marquetry, Tourism
In order to enhance tourism in Morocco, the 2020 vision is concentrating on an integrated and a proactive approach to national land-use planning. Eight territories have been set up, and each one has a positioning that the ministry of tourism plans to promote. Essaouira, which is a part of Marrakech Atlantic territory, is hence, presented as a destination that embodies the art of living. Namely, the marquetry, which is reflecting cultural and artistic identity has played a key role in fostering the touristic image of Essaouira. However, this role is not well highlighted and Essaouira's marquetry is encountering several obstacles that need to be fixed so as to improve this craft, which is the symbol of an entire province. The aim of this article is to evaluate the managerial practices of Essaouira's inlayers, in order to recommend suitable actions for the improvement of the city's marquetry sector and therefore contribute into the enhancement of its touristic image.
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