Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 05 November 2018
Study on the Influence of Error Management Culture on Star Hotel Employee Turnover Intention – Taking Food and Beverage Department Employee for Example
Hengfa Zhang, Peng Li, Yiqing Lv
Shenzhen Tourism College of Jinan University, China

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Taking error management theory as the entry point, the paper probes into the determinants of star hotel employee turnover intention through the study on the correlation among star hotel organization error management culture, employee job satisfaction and turnover intention. The mediating effects of employee job satisfaction on error management culture and turnover intention verify the influence of corporate management culture on employee job-hunting intention. The empirical results show that there exists a positive correlation between error management culture and employee job satisfaction. Employee job intention would reduce individual turnover intention, and job satisfaction exerts certain mediating effects in this process; positive error management culture as an important variable could effectively manage employee turnover intention. Companies should realize the importance of building a system which could give timely response and communication to any erroneous actions of employees in accordance with error management theory and prevent the re-occurrence of the same error by sharing experience and knowledge so as to incorporate "erroneous system management" into corporate culture as an indispensable component.
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