Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 16 September 2024
Shifting Resource Configuration of the Creative Businesses in the Perspective of Digital Economy
Fadhilla Sandra Adjie, Wawan Dhewanto, Ira Fachira
Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

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Pages: 225-238
Keywords: Creative Industry, Creative Businesses, Digital Technologies, Resource Allocation, Digital Economy
Extant literature has identified how the digital economy has transformed the types of resources available to creative businesses, both tangible and intangible. Since previous research on the digital economy’s influence over these resources is limited, yet remains pertinent in reshaping the resource configuration. By analyzing 25 articles, we identified and explored how resource allocation of the creative businesses shifts. As it is driven by the digital economy, which contributes to and shapes the overall digital economy. The findings highlight (1) types of resources in the creative businesses; (2) challenges and opportunities faced by creative businesses; (3) impact of digital economy on creative businesses’ resource allocation strategies.
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