Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 21 September 2018
Self-Employment through Organic Production for Young People in Montenegro
Milena Kovačević
Yangtze University, China

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Every second young person in Montenegro is unemployed which makes unemployment an issue of great importance. Having in mind that Montenegro is a country of great agricultural prosperity, it is not clear why young people do not see it as a chance for employment. This research focuses on problems of unemployment with possible solutions in organic production and self-employment by starting small private businesses. In order to discover the main reasons for the current situation, a number of interviews and a questionnaire were conducted. Some recognize organic production as an opportunity for self-employment while for others it still remains a risky area of business because of the traditional work patterns where young people strive to be employed in government-owned companies which provide a secure monthly income. Results of the questionnaire, as well as interviews, showed that there is a lack of communication between three parties – government, producers, and customers. This gap needs to be bridged. Thus, the aim of this paper is to contribute to raising awareness of self-employment capabilities of young people by organizing small businesses in the field of organic production.
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