Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 31 January 2024
Revolutionizing Healthcare Finances: Navigating the Impact of Innovative Technologies on Medical Claims Cost Containment in the MENA Region
Wissam Mattout, Figen Yesilada
Cyprus International University

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Pages: 41-54
Keywords: Innovative Technology, Medical Claims, Cost Containment, Insurance Companies, MENA, Accessible Health System
Countries are actively developing more effective ways and policies to tackle the high costs associated with healthcare. The advancement in medical technology has received praise for enhancing the healthcare system. However, it has also been criticized for contributing to a surge in medical costs, which is one of the impending challenges faced by the healthcare system today. To sustain the utilization of innovative techniques and medication, pharmaceutical companies must embrace more sophisticated technologies, which may ultimately be passed on to patients. This encourages people to contact as many health insurance providers as possible. Therefore, the objective of this study is to examine the healthcare insurance systems and measures for controlling costs used by insurance firms. The study has gathered cross-sectional data by employing a semi-structured interview method. The participants in the study are thirty-five insurance professionals who possess significant expertise in their various positions. Four themes emerged from the study questions that were posed. Research has revealed that while innovative technology may be cost-effective, these technologies are also more sensitive and necessitate the expertise of technical specialists and professionals for their operation, ultimately leading to higher costs.
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