Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 31 August 2022
Organizational Culture in University: A Bibliometric Analysis
Feira A. Rosanti, Udin Udin
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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Pages: 130-138
Keywords: Organization Culture, University, VOSviewer
Organizational culture as one of the important factors in the organization is a theme often discussed in the research. Many make organizational culture a variable which is then linked to other variables. Therefore, organizational culture research needs to be done to determine whether this topic is still relevant for research. In this paper, researchers are interested in seeing whether organizational culture is still a topic that still needs to be studied, especially organizational culture in universities. Given the times and the factors of external and internal organizational change, the question of organizational culture has become a topic that deserves further discussion. For this reason, research on the development trend of "Organizational Culture at the University" as a research theme is necessary. The method used is the Scopus search engine in random journals to identify related publications. Organizational culture is used as the main search keyword. The data obtained is then exported in RIS format and analyzed to obtain a research development map. The study also used data visualization software called VOSviewer to analyze the results, underlying relationships, and developing trends. The main finding of this study indicates that organizational culture in universities is experiencing a downward trend, and not many studies have addressed this theme. Hence this finding may be useful for similar research in the future.
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