Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 14 April 2018
Leveraging Social Inclusion Through the Impact of Customer Services Quality on Organizational Performance at a Selected Commercial Bank in Namibia
Simeon Panduleni Uahengo, Sadrag Panduleni Shihomeka
MMI Holding and Regent Business School MBA Graduate, University of Namibia (Namibia)

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This paper investigated the impact of customer services quality on the organizational performance at a selected commercial Bank in Namibia as a social inclusion driver for economic growth within the banking sector. The objectives for the study were: to establish the relationship between quality customer service and organizational performance; to establish the impact of quality customer service on the overall organizational performance and to offer recommendations to the management and relevant stakeholders. A quantitative research approach was used with a simple random probability sampling. A closed-ended questionnaire was used to collect data to leverage social inclusion through the impact of customer services quality on the overall organizational performance. 57 Closed ended-questionnaires were used to collect the data. By using descriptive statistics, data were recorded on excel spreadsheets. The results of the study were presented by using graphs and converting the data into percentage, mean values and percentages. The finding reveals that quality customer service contributes mostly towards an improved organisational performance. The results further established that majority of the clients including the customer service consultants’ staff strongly agreed that, quality customer service contributes to the sustainable organizational performance. The study recommends to the top management of a selected commercial bank to keep on investing in the customer service quality by increasing the numbers of ATMs at every business centre in the area as it provides convenient alternatives to the customers. Furthermore, investments in technological innovations and customer service help commercial banks to sustainably retain and attract more customers yielding much-needed profitability for the bank. The study recommends that future researchers should investigate the inclusive sustainability of customer services quality and how they affect the overall organizational performance at different commercial banks.
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