Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 30 August 2024
Institutional Possession, Supervisory Board Size, External Auditor Quality, and Profit Quality
Erna Erna, Etty Murwaningsari, Murtanto Murtanto
Trisakti University, Indonesia

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Pages: 182-190
Keywords: Financial Reporting, Earning Quality, The Big-Four Auditors, Institutional Ownership
This study aims to reveal the determinants of profit quality based on governance factors. Specifically, the proposed factors are institutional possession (IP), supervisory board size (SBS), and an external reputable auditor. Besides, this study intends to examine the IP to moderate the relationship between SBS and profit quality. By employing 12 agricultural companies in the Indonesian capital market for ten years, from 2013 to 2022, this study obtains 120 observations and analyzes the data by regression model with polling data. After that, this study demonstrates that IP, the supervisory board size, and reputable external auditor quality positively affect profit quality. The negative interaction effect between IP and supervisory board size (IP*SBS) on profit quality is available: The smaller the SBS, the higher the profit quality, and this tendency happens when institutional possession decreases. In other words, the IP and SBS have substitution roles to crate profit quality.
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