Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 09 August 2024
Impulse Buying of Fashion Products as the Impact of Hedonic Shopping Motivation and Price Discounts During Harbolnas: Case Study on Generation Z Consumers of Several E-Commerce in Bandung City
Rini Handayani, Fansuri Munawar
Widyatama University, Indonesia

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Pages: 128-135
Keywords: Hedonic Shopping Motivation, Price Discount, Impulse Purchase, E-Commerce, Harbolnas
With the transition of the pandemic status in Indonesia to an endemic stage, consumer shopping behaviors have been affected, although online shopping remains predominant. Studies indicate that online shopping can help improve mood during challenging times like these. Harbolnas is a special moment for consumers who enjoy shopping, as every e-commerce platform offers discounts and a variety of attractive promotions. The abundance of promotions subsequently leads to impulsive buying behavior. The purpose of this study is to understand consumer perceptions of hedonic shopping motivations, price discounts, and impulsive purchases among Generation Z consumers during Harbolnas in Bandung, as well as their impacts. This research is descriptive-verificative in nature. The unit of analysis comprises several e-commerce platforms (Tokopedia, Shopee, Bukalapak, Lazada, and Blibli). The observation unit is Generation Z consumers in Bandung who enjoy online shopping. The minimum sample size is 100 individuals. Data collection techniques include questionnaires and interviews, while the sampling technique employed is purposive sampling. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression. Hypothesis testing indicates that hedonic shopping motivations and price discounts significantly influence impulsive buying behavior among Generation Z consumers in Bandung.
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