Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)
Published: 11 October 2021
Impact of Macroeconomic Variables, American Stock Market Index and Covid-19 Pandemic on Indonesia Capital Market Development (Time Series Study 1990-2020)
Almira Rizqia, Pudji Astuty, Heru Subiyantoro
Universitas Borobudur, Indonesia
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Pages: 1-11
Keywords: FDI, Exchange Rates, Interest Rates, Stock Market Indices, Capital Markets, Covid-19
The purpose of this study is 1.) To analyze the influence of foreign investment on the development of the Indonesian capital market. 2).To analyze the influence of the Exchange Rate on the Development of the Indonesian Capital Market. 3).To analyze the influence of the Interest Rate on the Development of the Indonesian Capital Market. 4).To analyze the influence of the Dow Jones Stock Market Index on the Development of the Indonesian Capital Market. 5).To analyze the influence of the Covid-19 Pandemic (dummy variable) on the Development of the Indonesian Capital Market.6). In this study, secondary data and library research were used as a technique for collecting data, using semi-annual data for the period 1990-2020. The research was processed using the EViews 11 program with the multiple linear regression method. The results of the research are known if 1.) Foreign Direct Investment has a significant and positive effect on Capital Market Development. 2.) Exchange Rates have a significant and positive influence on the Development of the Indonesian Capital Market. 3.) Interest Rates have a significant and negative effect on the Development of the Indonesian Capital Market. 4.) The Dow Jones Stock Market Index has a significant and positive effect on the Development of the Indonesian Capital Market. 5.) The Covid-19 pandemic had a significant and negative effect on the Development of the Indonesian Capital Market in the period 1990 to 2020. The results of this study are expected to contribute to policy holders regarding the role of macroeconomic variables on the development of the capital market, so that in the future it can be one of the references in conducting the policy mix so as to improve the development of the Indonesian capital market.
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