Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 05 November 2018
How Different Styles of Conflict Management Determine Creativity? Exploring Petrochemical Companies in Oman
Omar Durrah, Kamaal Allil, Moaz Gharib, Abdulkarim Alhamoud
Dhofar University, Oman

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Can conflict be turned into creativity if managed in a certain style? This study aims to explore the impact of conflict management styles (Collaboration, Avoidance, and Accommodation) on the creativity in the Petrochemical companies in Oman. Using a questionnaire, data have been collected, applying simple random method, from employees working in two petrochemical organizations. A final 147 questionnaires were valid for statistical analysis. Multiple regression analysis was utilized to investigate the impact of the styles of conflict management on creativity. The results show that only two styles of conflict management, namely (Collaboration and Accommodation) have an effect on creativity, while Avoidance style found to have no significant effect. The implications of this study are discussed.
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