Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)
Published: 29 October 2022
Factors Affecting the Intention to Buy Traditional Ao Dai Products: A Case Study of Generation Z in Vietnam
Nguyen Thi Van Anh, Hoang Thanh Tung, Doan Bao Linh
University of Labour and Social Affairs (Vietnam), British International School Hanoi (Vietnam)
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Pages: 111-123
Keywords: Intention to Buy, Impacting Factors, Generation Z, Traditional Ao Dai, Viet Nam
The traditional Ao Dai is the national garment of Vietnam, embodying the soul and essence of its people. In this research paper, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used to examine the factors affecting one’s “Intention to buy Vietnamese traditional Ao Dai” by analyzing survey data of 292 young people in the generation Z group of Vietnam. By including the 4 factors in the model: "Attitude towards the product", "Subjective norms", "Perceived behavioral control" and "Ethnocentrism", the impact of the factor "Intention to buy Vietnamese traditional Ao Dai" is examined. The results of the model highlight that the factor "Perceived behavioral control" has the largest impact on the participants’ decision to buy traditional Ao Dai, followed by the factor "Subjective norms”. At the 5% significance level, these factors have a positive correlation effect. Similarly, at the 10% significance level, the results show that the factors "Ethnocentrism" and "Attitude towards the product" also have a positive impact on an individual’s "Intention to buy Vietnamese traditional Ao Dai". This research aims to raise the awareness of young people, specifically Generation Z, of the significance of traditional products such as Ao Dai, to encourage the understanding and usage of traditional Ao Fai products as an expression of patriotism and national spirit.
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