Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 20 September 2021
Equal Opportunity Within the Workplace
Janemary Thirusanku, Manpreet Kaur a/p Inderjeet Singh
Peninsula College, Malaysia

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Pages: 208-220
Keywords: Culture, Leadership Climate, BAME+, Career Progression, Ethnic Discrimination
In the recent years, the representation of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnics (BAME+) in top management positions has been stagnant despite the increased talent pool. With the current issues arising involving the BAME+ community, it is of no surprise that these ethnic groups are still discriminated, even at their workplace. This is usually due to the culture and type of leadership at the company. Thus, this secondary research paper aims to find out the hurdles culture and leadership climate pose to talented BAME+ employees’ career progression. Nonetheless, the investigation, using existing data in the form of surveys, reports, and articles, will be limited to certain companies in the UK and US only. The result of this paper indicates that although there are some companies with good cultures and leaders which allow its BAME+ employees to progress in their careers, most companies do not practice an inclusive culture thus, talented BAME+ staff is often side-lined.
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