Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 17 July 2024
Entrepreneurial Characteristics, Education, and Intention: Does Sustainability Orientation Matter?
Md. Solaiman Chowdhury, Md. Mehedi Hasan, Iqbal Hossain Moral, Syed Muhammad Ali Reza, Md Shahinur Rahman, Md. Enamul Haque
University of Rajshahi (Bangladesh), Khulna University (Bangladesh), Northern University of Business and Technology Khulna (Bangladesh), University of Rajshahi (Bangladesh), Bangamata Sheikh Fojilatunnesa Mujib Science & Technology (Bangladesh)

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Pages: 54-74
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Characteristics, Education, Intention, Sustainability Orientation, TPB
Entrepreneurship education plays a pivotal role in equipping individuals with the skills and mindset needed for entrepreneurial endeavors. This study investigates how entrepreneurial attributes and entrepreneurship education affect business students' inclinations to become entrepreneurs. It focuses on how entrepreneurial education has affected business graduates' ambitions in Bangladesh, using entrepreneurial characteristics and education as predictive variables. Data was collected from 410 respondents across public, and private universities in Bangladesh, employing a conclusive research approach with purposive sampling. AMOS-SEM was employed to analyze entrepreneurial intentions, while preliminary analyses were conducted using SPSS to address various factors. The results highlight the complexity of entrepreneurial intention, revealing that it is significantly affected by two key traits (innovativeness and self-confidence) and entrepreneurship education. Notably, the study uncovers a strong moderating influence of sustainability orientation on the association between entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurship education, and innovativeness. The study also emphasizes the importance of the connection between entrepreneurial drive in Bangladesh and the need for autonomy and achievement. However, the study found autonomy has little to no impact on Bangladeshi business graduates' preferences to become entrepreneurs, and the need for achievement does not significantly affect their intentions. This study has meaningful implications for both academia and practical entrepreneurship endeavors. This research investigates the moderating effects of sustainability orientation on entrepreneurial education and traits, highlighting the significance of these elements in the particular context of Bangladeshi business graduates.
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