Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 23 September 2018
Economic Impact of Newcastle Disease on Village Chickens – A Case of Bangladesh
M Khatun, S Islam, M Ershaduzzaman, HMS Islam, S Yasmin, A Hossen, M Hasan
Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Bangladesh

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Newcastle Disease (ND) is a highly contagious viral disease and makes up to 100 percent mortality in susceptible populations during devastating outbreaks. The households face huge economic losses throughout the year. Still, it is ranked 1st among other poultry diseases in village chickens. However, the study was undertaken to determine the profitability of village chicken and to estimate the direct and indirect economic loss due to ND as well as its impact on household dietary diversity. The study was encompassed four Upazilas from four Districts, i.e., Gopalpur from Tangail, Nilphamary Sadar from Nilphamary, Gowainghat from Sylhet and Barishal Sadar from Barishal District. Both primary and secondary data were used in this study. From each Upazila 75 sample farmers were interviewed randomly who reared the village chicken, and the total sample size was 300. Primary data were collected through a structured questionnaire during the months of October to January 2017. Total return was estimated at BDT 4530 and BDT 6099, respectively for affected and non-affected farm household. The study also found that due to ND outbreak, the average economic loss was calculated to BDT 2,561 per household per annum and average eight poultry birds were forgone per household per annum. On average, the country incurred economic loss BDT 2.43802765*1010 (US$ 288.49 million) per annum. Only 27% of household had access to Upazila Veterinary Hospital. The study found an adverse impact on household dietary diversity and in animal source food consumption. Swab and tissue sample result sowed its prevalence in study areas. In the light of research findings, the following steps should be considered: Flock size should not be higher than 20 birds, keep chicken and duck in the separate shade, training for scientific rearing system and diseases control method and mass vaccination program.
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