Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)
Published: 28 June 2024
Creating A Sustainable Innovation with Stakeholder Engagement: A Case from Food &Agriculture Sector
Muhammad Hafish, Melia Famiola
Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
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Pages: 227-243
Keywords: Sustainability, Innovation, Stakeholder engagement, Start-up, Indonesia
The purpose of this paper is to focus on the contribution of stakeholder engagement to Sustainable innovation (SI) within the context of sustainable food and agriculture context. It investigates whether engagement with different stakeholders promotes sustainable innovation. The empirical analysis is based on a distinctive single case study of sustainable-oriented ventures that successfully deliver sustainable impact within their SI. A qualitative study, which an abductive approach was performed in order to delve the stakeholder engagement and its relationship with the type of SI. We use multiple data sources. Primary data such as semi-unstructured interview with several representative innovating ventures. Then, secondary data from multiple sources gathered to acquire deeper knowledge and information to capture the retrospective data about SI journey and development process of the ventures. Result showed that proactive role in venture to engage with various and wider stakeholders is needed to foster the SI particularly in system-building SI. Moreover, sustainability-oriented innovation (SI) as a journey and its characteristics constitutes from on practices that constitute day-to-day SI activities, strategies, activities, and linkages that resulting SI output and outcome. Particularly, stakeholders are part of these linkages. The wider and various of stakeholders also its engagement in co-creation of SI is affecting the output and outcomes of its SI. This research extends the response to the lack of systematic knowledge about stakeholder collaboration in SI. This paper provides a fine-grain qualitative analysis, a single case study, and identifies several types of stakeholders with various roles in the SI.
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