Conceptualizing Strategic CSR and its Organizational Outcomes: A Review of Literature and Research Agenda
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Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute
Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute

Economics and Business

Quarterly Reviews

ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

asian institute research, jeb, journal of economics and business, economics journal, accunting journal, business journal, managemet journal
asian institute research, jeb, journal of economics and business, economics journal, accunting journal, business journal, managemet journal
asian institute research, jeb, journal of economics and business, economics journal, accunting journal, business journal, managemet journal
asian institute research, jeb, journal of economics and business, economics journal, accunting journal, business journal, managemet journal
open access

Published: 20 August 2019

Conceptualizing Strategic CSR and its Organizational Outcomes: A Review of Literature and Research Agenda

Jane Kimani, James M. Kilika

Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya

asian institute research, jeb, journal of economics and business, economics journal, accunting journal, business journal, management journal

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Pages: 786-803

Keywords: Environmental Dynamism, Firm Performance, Shared Value, Strategic CSR, Value Creation


The strategic management literature has accorded significant attention to the construct of corporate social responsibility, and the literature on the construct is relatively rich. The literature is, however, faulted for its limitations in the provision of consistent guidelines to business practitioners on how Corporate Social Responsibility can be integrated with operational, business and corporate strategies for achievement of competitive advantage. This paper reviews extant conceptual, theoretical and empirical literature and raises a variety of issues that present a case for a new theoretical model suitable for the expansion of the current understanding of employment of strategic corporate social responsibility and its resultant outcomes. The paper proposes an integrated theoretical model for linking Strategic corporate social responsibility and organizational outcomes while acknowledging the significance of value creation focus and environmental dynamism in the context of the twenty-first-century business operating environment.


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